The Food Caught
A circus is an urban and architectural typology that offers performances in which fiction dissolves into reality to the point that fiction is no longer fiction. A series of curated scenographic encapsulations exhibit all sort of exaggerations, rarities, aberrations and extravagances that enact a grotesque caricature of reality. In the Circus, a group of people -usually seen as deviations of society- find their space of association, daily life and work within scenic and backstage spaces equipped with technological devices and materials. Those spaces are specifically designed for the execution of highly sophisticated performances in front of an audience that, in its most traditional version, watches and judges the skilled performance carried out by this group of non-actors exhibiting their non-fiction.
Food is nowadays a main topic of conversation in our civilized culture. Food passed beyond just the function of giving our bodies the energy we need to get through the day to become art and a product of consumerism.
Food courts are typically Asian restaurants typologies that are rapidly expanding throughout the western world, especially in Australia. They are a clear example of our fascination with food. Just a few feet away from each other, different dishes from every corner of the globe are offered while everybody looks for the ultimate culinary experience.
But do we realize what is behind this consumer craze? We only see the result of these different cooking technics and processes., Eating food is easy when its placed on a plate to appeal to the eye. There is a significant industry behind the international production and packaging of all this food. A secret world we don’t see, because we don’t really want to;
Food Caught is an experiential food court, where our food is being produced captured, prepared and eaten all in the one place;
“The Food Caught “is a big food consumption machine that exposes every aspect behind the process of food production. By creating a series of spectacles linked to food. It allows us to immerse ourselves in the journey our food makes before it hits our plates, each space within the building will enable participants to discover the nonspoken realities of the food industry. Every area feeds into to the heart of the project: ‘the eating place.’, you can appreciate (or not appreciate) a view of how well we are blinded to the realities of global food production;
The Food Caught puts you in amongst the reality, and it forces you to confront the choices you make in relation to the food you eat and how it is sourced.
Site plan
AA' section
Catalogue of Spectacle
This aquarium provides fresh fish for meal, Fish your own fish or attend the fish show, where fish are caught in front of you and cut for your convenience; you can also learn the perfect cut depending on the fish.
Roasting Carrousel
Take a look at those dancing pigs at the Roasting Carrousel. The carrousel will cook the entire pig without any effort. Meat will turn above the fire while been slowly grilled.
Smoking pods
Those pods are slowly cooking your food by diffusing smoke from wooden burners. Each pod has its own individual flavor. You can go through it and enjoy the delicate smells of smoke while you are waiting for your food.
Eating ring
This central area is the main arena where the food is caught. The conveyor belt will bring food automatically to your table. Furthermore, you have the choice to cook your food at your convenience with the Korean barbecue on the middle. You can share a big meal with your friends or family but be quick; the food will quickly zoom by straight into the trash can where the conveyor belt ends.
Roof Garden
This food court is a sustainable place. The vegetables are directly grown there. This garden is close to the roof to receive maximum light. When they are ready, gardeners will choose to bring the vegetables down to the ring, ready to be eaten.
Raclette Tunnel
Come to the raclette tunnel to heat up your food in the grill walls. Make the cheese melt to add flavor to your plate.
Interactive Farm
This place produces the animal protein of the food court. In this farm, you can play with animals and feed them. Share a moment with them and discover more about your food.
Flying Animal
After playing with your animal in the farm, you will be invited to the big show. One question is asked of all participants... what is your favorite meat? Depending on the most popular response, there is a real chance you could actually see your new farm friend being prepared just in front you. But it’s a real show, one to behold, just like an acrobat the chosen animal will fly through different steps meat goes through until it is ready to be cooked.
View from the Carrousel
Meat spectacle
View from the Eating ring
General view