Ilot Fun
Group Work
Prospective study - How design can question the new potential and the shape of the common hall of the heart of an urban block (housing, offices, hostel, co working space,) and the common courtyard of the islet.
Constraint : Integrate complexity as part of this approach in terms of global design & services design: uses, spaces and services. How can the courtyard of the islet can be balanced between all the different users.
Solution: Living together is one of the main objective we wanted to create inside this project. By using Fun activities as Playing, listening to Music, Reading, Sharing Food, this place leads to share a space but also a social life. For this, we created a visual identity of a playground through the furniture but also the material and the visual aspect (Bold colors and playful materials), and especially an island heart uniting the new community created. Indeed, the space is divided into several parts dedicated to each user, however the heart of the island is emerging as a common place and evolving with users and events.